Microservices – my recent journey


I have been watching videos and reading for the past couple months about Microservices. It is very timely, since I have been doing maintenance work on a monolith project, parts of which are more than 10 years old.

I wanted to create this page to have a place to reference some of the material I have found along the way.

Mastering Chaos – A Netflix Guide to Microservices

It is always good to gain more insight into how things work at Netflix. In this video, Josh Evans covers this history of the early Netflix to today, and some of where it is headed.

Little Boy Dominoes Topple Out of the Tent

Ok, this one is not so much about Microservices as it is just 24 seconds of funny. I saw this video as part of a talk where the lady was making the point that we don’t realize the impact of design decisions unless we measure (or in this case watch) our product (API) being used. The mom laughing as she films it and the final boy make me laugh every time.


Spotify Engineering Culture part 1


Spotify Engineering Culture part 2


Challenges in Implementing MicroServices

This video is from Fred George. I have it set to begin where he starts talking about rivers, streams, and ponds. From there, he blends into the car rental application which is a great example of an incremental application.

Here is an expanded and more recent version of that same talk.


Microservices • Martin Fowler


A Day in the Life of a Netflix Engineer


Microservices @ Spotify

Kevin Goldsmith going into more detail about how Spotify uses Microservices.


Microsoft Azure Service Bus Brokered Messaging Deep Dive

Alan Smith – the same guy that does the PluralSight course on the same subject. With the speed of Azure, this may be a little dated, but I think the majority of it still applies.

Agile is Dead • Pragmatic Dave Thomas


Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell

This is the same guy that did the Spotify culture videos.


“The Eight Fallacies of Distributed Computing”

by Stephen Asbury. I liked this video where he is trying to shed some light on the issues of distributed computing. He is not saying, “Don’t do it”. Instead, I think he is just helping to remind us of the things to be aware of and code for.


Wunderlist – Chat Fowler

From Homogeneous Monolith to Radically Heterogeneous Microservices Architecture


Applying the Saga Pattern

Caitie McCaffrey


Patterns and Practices for Real-World Event-Driven Microservices

This lady is from Jet (that wants to compete with Amazon) and they are a big Azure and F# shop


Juval Lowy on Microservices

This is a very smart guy talking about Microservices and how to think of them. The volumne is a little low, but it is definately worth watching.

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