Using WordPress to display my Resume

I have used WordPress in the past for Luke’s website (GrowingUpLuke) and I found it very easy to get a decent looking site up quickly. It allowed me to focus on the content, while it handled all the plumbing of displaying it.

However, when I considered using WordPress for my resume, I could not find a way to create a custom page with only specific posts on that page.  I wanted to create an Experience page (like this) that showed only my job history, but not other posts.

I found a plugin that would allow me to do it, but when I looked for the Plugin menu item, I could not find it.  After a little searching I found this text, “… users won’t find a Plugins tab in the Dashboard” on the site.

I considered hosting the WordPress site on my existing server, but it seemed much easier (and fairly cheap) to sign up with Bluehost, since they were recommended from the site.

Here is the list of Plugins I have installed so far:

  • Add Posts to Pages – Makes it easy to create a page of specific posts.
  • Table of Contents Plus – Simple way to insert a table of contents into a post.
  • Simple Custom CSS – Allow custom CSS.
    (I needed to add some space after each list item on my about page. This Plugin allowed me to accomplish this
    by adding this CSS: “article ol li { padding-bottom: 15px; }”)

    Update: While creating this page, I discovered I could have just used a <div>. Oh well, I know for next time. 🙂
  • GistPress – A WordPress plugin to easily embed Gists via oEmbed or shortcode.
  • SyntaxHighlighter Evolved – easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site (brushes)
  • Print Friendly and PDF Button – Printer Friendly pages (Support)
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